Vibration Therapy Technique on the Plantar Fascia with high-speed vibration
To release the plantar fascia, you want to get your foot in flexion by bending the ankle and pulling your big toe back.
Your big toe should have around 70 degrees of flexion. If so, you can start lengthening the tendon starting at the ball of the foot. If not, include the big toe in your treatment.
Work the plantar fascia tendon from either the big toe or the ball of the foot all the way to one third the way up the gastroc on the big toe side including the Achilles tendon using the large tip.
If this is uncomfortable, switch to the treatment cap over the tender area and continue to go back and forth along this track for about five minutes.
The tender areas should start to desensitize allowing you to use the large or soft tip. If ticklish, instead of gliding the head along this track, pick and place it about half an inch at a time along the tendon staying around five to ten seconds at each location